Happy no matter what.
Healthy body, mind, soul, heart, spirit.
Raw, real, wild, open, vulnerable, honest.
Raw vegan food.
I am here to remind you to listen to yourself. To your own body, your heart, your inner truth.
And to follow nothing but this wisdom your body is communicating to you.
I invite you to relearn to listen to your body, and i want to inspire and support you to follow its signals. In the choice of your food as well as in any other area of your life.
How do i do this?
– First of all: living it myself, the best i can. Embodying more and more of myself and letting go what is not me.
– Sharing what i see, feel, learn. Sharing about my life, our life, travel life, worldschooling, living on fruit.
– Offering raw food café sessions.
– Sharing words, photos, recipes, inspiration, love.
– Offering support and guidance.
Living on raw vegan living foods (for me: since 2006) … is a journey that includes so much more than merely a transition of your diet. Rawfood, natural and unprocessed food, creates space for healing. It is leading you to a conscious life style and has the potential to free your whole being from all kinds of blockades – intoxication, conditioning, limiting beliefs. On all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Make your choice FOR LIFE.
Choose based on love – to yourself, your body, our world. To ALL.
Happy, healthy, raw, & free
I started this blog in 2010, my 5th year with rawfood, and it has grown a lot since then. Beyond food, i am writing about lots of other things i am engaged with. My inner journey, my life, the things i do and that make me happy, my challenges, my love for all that is.
Early 2022, i started to finally realize my dream of my traveling raw food café. To share with the world in real life, too, what i have been offering via this website for so many years now. So this project, even if not on the road yet, is something you’ll read about here.

Love & freedom, that’s what keeps me going, that’s what i live for. That is what i AM. Living it, following my heart, trying each day and doing the best i can. In the way i am nourishing my body, mind & soul. In my whole lifestyle: living on raw vegan food, living a free gypsy life, providing support for my worldschooling kids.
Read about all this here, as well as about my journey to embodying more and more of myself.
I invite you to follow me on my journey!
I prefer to call my diet a living and natural diet – as these are the key elements for me. Food, as fresh as possible, full of life. The kind of food nature provided for me, for our species. Food as i would find it when living in nature.
Life in this modern world, living with children, travelling, as well as my inner journey and struggles and therefore the constant need to create a healthy balance inside of me is challenging me again and again.
Choosing my food is beyond the choice between raw or not raw. Not following any dogma, but simply my heart … and my belly 😉
Transitiong to a raw vegan diet in April 2006, i found my way of eating. The way i feel with it, so much energy, so much joy & pleasure – i don’t want to miss this again! I never, not even for a second, craved cooked food or second guessed my choice. And i am endlessly happy and grateful for this!!!
In choosing my food – as well as in other choices in my life – i keep following the signals of my body. Following its needs as well as what nature offers according to the region and season, the way i am eating is always changing. Life is about change and evolution.
Long term, i still feel best on fresh fruit, sweet and non-sweet, some greens (sometimes more, sometimes less). Times of eating almost fat-free will alternate with more fatty phases. I I use almost exclusively natural ingredients, at most slightly processed and no isolated products at all – because I assume that the optimal food for me is provided by nature.
Over the years, I have gained a lot of insights and knowledge about the design of my raw food (high fat, low fat, fruit only, mono, etc etc). Which is favorable or less favorable for me, as well as about (for me) favorable and less favorable combinations … and let go again.
You will therefore find here a lot about low-fat raw food, in the manner of 80/10/10 and the low-mucus diet à la Arnold Ehret. About mono meals and simple recipes, about living foods and the Hippocrates diet, about low carb and raw vegan keto.
At the same time, I have not been interested in putting a label on my diet or even identifying with it for a long time. I never followed any rules or dogmas anyway, and i am not into nutritional values, superfoods, or special supposedly healing foods or superfoods.
My body tells me what it wants. Its needs and the choices available determine what I eat. It’s as simple as that.
Happy. Healthy. Raw. Free.
As i know there are lots of people out there struggling with change, with transitioning to a healthier diet, and/or starting to follow their hearts, letting go of how others expect them to live their lives, i so hope that what you will find on these pages will help you, support you, inspire you: To eat the way your body wants you to, and to live the life your heart wants you to live.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, are looking for more support, or just want to get in touch!
Besides the blog, you will find several eBooks here, recipes and more.
I use to add links to products of miscalleneous providers. For informational purposes when testing products or reviewing books, or as recommendations for the products/devices i found to work great for me.
Some of these links are affiliate links, i. e. i will earn from purchases you make following this link. These commissions help me to continue with my work here – so thank you for clicking the links!
Beyond earning money from this, i will only link to products i really like and that work for me.
Follow me on Instagram (rawvegandigitalnomad), Telegram (HappyHealthyRawFree), Twitter @rohmachtfroh and on my Facebook page "Happy, healthy, raw, & free" and subscribe to my YouTube-Kanal to stay tuned 🙂