An easy-to-make salad for summer, not only raw foodists will enjoy.
Combined from this season’s vegetables you will find at your local farmers’ market or maybe even in your own garden?
Ingredients (per person)
- 1 middle-sized fresh zucchini or cucumber
- some fresh tomatoes
- a handful of radicchio leaves
- a handful of romana salad leaves
- 2 tbsp dulse flakes (i use to buy these)
- 1-2 tbsp raw cashews, soaked in water for at least 4 hours (buy raw cashews here)
- 1 piece dried wakame or kombu, soaked in water over night (shop here for raw seaweed)
- 1/2 small lemon, untreated or peeled
- 1 clove of garlic
Rinse the cashews and add them to your blender. Add the seaweed, 2-3 tbsps of the water the seaweed soaked in, a small piece of the zucchini (or cucumber), lemon and garlic, and blend everything until smooth.
Cut the zucchini (or cucumber) into bite-sized pieces. Do the same with the tomatoes. Chop the lettuce leaves, put everything in a bowl and mix with the sauce.
Top with dulse flakes and enjoy!
Find many more raw recipes in my ebooks, available for donation here.
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