An easy-to-make salad for summer, not only raw foodists will enjoy.
Combined from this season’s vegetables you will find at your local farmers’ market or maybe even in your own garden?
Tagliatelle in creamy sauce. An easy-to-prepare raw pasta recipe. No mixer needed.
A simple raw food dinner recipe, easy and fast to prepare. And you don’t need a blender for it!
Quick Dinner: Zucchini Baguette
Greens, lettuce, seaweed, veggies … i have them every day. Yet, mixed salads, every chopped up and mixed in a bowl – i don’t like that.
Fortunately, there are sooooo many varied ways to enjoy vegetables and greens. Like these baguettes, perfect for a quick dinner.
Enjoy them at the travelling raw food café – or just try them yourself at home.
Learn to love your greens! How to really enjoy eating raw vegetables
Do you like greens and vegetables? Are you happy with eating them just the way they are because you really love their taste? If so, this post is not for you. This is for those who struggle with eating their greens. Who really don’t enjoy eating lettuce, spinach, celery, cucumbers, zucchini, beet roots … any vegetables. And don’t feel happy with taking them down hidden in a smoothie either.
There’s a simple trick to get yourself to eating all the greens and veggies your body needs: simple, lowfat, delicious dipps and dressings!
Here is one of my favourite winter dipp recipes for you:
Invitation to Rawfood Paradise: with the most decadent raw vegan chocolate cake ever
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you ever tried to find raw vegan recipes for your friends or family not eating raw? I found that what for me is rawfood paradise would hardly convince any non-rawfoodist to even try it.
This decadent RAW chocolate cake yet is what i shared with my family last christmas, and they really loved it!
Go on reading to find the recipe and try it for your family – or yourself:
Winter Raw Food: Carrot Soup
Rawfood paradise in winterly Germany looks a bit different from what i used to eat in Tenerife’s warm climate. Greens, seaweed and sprouts stay, pumpkin and beetroot as well, but fruit, including non-sweet cooling fruit like cucumber and zucchini (my staples during the last months) make place for more warming vegetables, more root vegetables.
What i really love these days is raw soup. Blended root vegetables with warming spices and seaweed.
Like this raw carrot soup:
Raw Vegan AfterEight Nicecream Bowl
Anyone who does not like nicecream on hot summer days? This raw vegan mint chocolate nicecream is as delicious as healthy – and all easy to prepare.
Detox-Smoothie: Orange-Aloe
Right in front of my door, Aloe is growing in abundance! So from time to time i ask her to share one of her leaves, to make myself this smoothie. This is how to do it: