At home on the road.

Traveling freely in this world.

On this beautiful planet earth.

On my way to share joy. Love. Inspiration. And, of course: the magic of living on raw food. Bringing into the world even more of this wonderful, transforming, healing way of living, with all the raw vegan deliciousness from my rawfood café.

For our happy, healthy, raw, free togetherness in our new world!

In and with a van, my mobile home and at the same time my traveling rawfood café.

My dream, my heart’s desire, and i invite you to join me!

Looking forward to our encounter along the way. Wherever it will be.

Offering rawfood sessions along the road, at markets, and, if you wish, at your place, or your event.

But to begin … it takes the café.

Thanks to your donations, i was able to buy a bus, an old T4, and to have it repaired. Next will be to convert it into my new gypsy home and my Happy Healthy Raw Free Rawfood Café. This project keeps going in its own pace –  step by step, whenever there is time, money, opportunity to go on.

Meanwhile, i keep living my free gypsy life, driving my bus, staying at different places, with family, friends, doing house-pet-garden-sittings etc. Looking forward to being on the road with my travelling raw food café  – with my whole colourful abundance of café, inspirations and impulses to share in real time, too, instead of, like up to now, mainly only in the web and social media. And here as there i continue to offer both on a donation basis.

So, the first step i invite you to is my crowdfunding. Do you like my dream? Do you want to become a part of it?
Then, i ask you to support me now with a donation.

Each contribution, however big or small, means the world to me, as each one is getting me closer to my rawfood café van dream!

Rohkostrezept: Zucchini Spirelli - Happy Healthy Raw & Free
Aus deinen Worten fliesst so eine Stärke, Verletzlichkeit und goldene Kraft. Ich spüre dich so pur und klar. So stark und flexibel wie Bambus. Und so immens wie ein Baum, der gerade seine Wurzeln streckt, sie tiefer und stärker wachsen lässt. Weil dieser Baum noch grösser und stärker wird als er eh schon ist und er das weiss. Viele Wesen werden unter deiner Schönheit, in deinen Ästen Schutz und Kraft und pure Freude finden. Und raw vegan deliciousness. Ich kann es schon sehen. Ich wünsche dir, dass der Van deiner Träume und alles was du dafür brauchst, leicht zu dir findet und dass sich auf dem Weg viele wunderbare Türen für dich öffnen.
Miriam D.
A beautiful idea. Be sure to stop by- we could arrange an event to introduce people to raw foods. You'd actually be a hit in the Portland area.
Johanna Z.
Ich fühle, dass dein Projekt embodied und tragfähig ist und ich ehre deinen Mut, dass du bereit bist damit in die Welt hinauszugehen.
Anne L.
How wonderful a lifestyle a real deep serving to communities and your own source place i can tell. Keep sending this link out so people can give when they have the means! All good things.
Jade R.
Deine pure Existenz hier ist ein Leuchtfeuer der Liebe und ein flammendes Plädoyer für die Freiheit.
Clemens V.

If you want to support me, you can do this either right here on my website, or send a donation via my crowdfunding campaign page at GoFundMe.

For other ways to donate, or other ideas of how to support me (maybe you own a van and want to give it to me? 😀 ), please get in touch via my contact form.

As i am offering my eBooks for donation, you may want to choose one and then choose your price according to how much to give me for my van. That way, you will have some lovely recipes to try on your own.
I will keep this page up to date, letting you know how it is all going. You can also read about it in my blog and in my newsletter.

Thank you for being here! Much Love, Silke