
To heal is to cleanse. Mucusless Diet.

So called illness, any lack of good health and well-being, are attributed to blockades. Something blocking the flow of energy, thus bringing us/our system out of balance. These blocks can be physical, psychological, emotional or mental; all affecting each other. I. e., psychological, emotional, or mental blocks and imbalances can manifest in physical issues, same as an unhealthy life style and diet can lead to not only physical but also psychological, emotional, or mental problems. Vice versa, an optimized diet not only helps to clear up your physical energy flow but also can help you to solve emotional or mental issues and release psychological conflicts.

“Illness” is not an enemy you are supposed to fight. It’s a form of expression of your body or soul, showing you there is something wrong in your life. You are doing/eating/living something that’s not good for you. Not what your body or soul needs right now.


Marvelous body. All disease is a reaction to what you feed your body and your soul with

“Each of our cells is made of parts of the world that we have absorbed and transformed, all of which are enchanted food.”

A quote by Catherine Newmark.

Nutrition, but also everything else that nourishes our body, mind and soul, contributes to our health. Disease is not a consequence of viruses or bacteria, but a reaction to what we absorb.

Our body is doing its best to detoxify. To cleanse. To heal. All the time. Aging, too, is not as inescapable as you may think. What commonly is thought to be unavoidable is also a consequence of your diet, your habits, your mindset and living in accordance with your soul.