
Thoughts On Masks

Is there anybody who is not triggered by the thought of having to wear a mask from today on? I was. Several days i fought … with my resistance, my fears, my anger. There’s a lot these masks are bringing up. (Besides the fact, that it’s physically more than uncomfortable to wear them – when i had to wear a mask in Thailand, i felt like i would suffocate after only half a minute, i simply could not breathe.)

Yet, beyond the question how to deal with this practically (wear a mask or not, rebel, find ways, compromise, express your resentments etc), i invite you to first have a closer look at your reactions and feelings about this.


Keep your faith!

Heaven and hell, light and dark, they both exist in each single moment. Good and bad, they are in everyone of us. In each moment, we choose how to act. How to react. Where to live in – heaven or hell. What to see – dark or light. To love or to hate.
My thoughts, my emotions, my actions determine whether i experience heaven or hell. No matter the circumstances around. Yet, as each one of us does the same, we are at the same time constantly co-creating heaven – or hell. Consciously or unconsciously.


Freedom Is Freedom From Fear

Feeling fear every now and then is totally normal and okay. It’s about not getting stuck in this fear. Fear stops everything from flowing. Thereby, it will also weaken your health, your resilience, your immune system. Fear will paralyse your mind and leave you with limited (or no) choices on how to act. Right now, it even makes big parts of humans world wide willing to give up all their rights …


Life is NOW

Many people seem to look at their lives now as if a grand pause button was pressed. Waiting for “normality” to come back. As if nothing would happen now.
Yet, there is a LOT happening! And i am not talking about the ongoing panic-mongering, more and more restrictions being implemented, and everybody being way to willing to follow and to give up their freedom.
What i am talking about is, what is happening inside of us. You. Me. Everybody.

We change. Each and every one of us.

And each one of us can choose HOW to change … and thereby decide what will come next.
So be the change you want to see in the world!
Co you want to live in an unfree world, full of fear and restrictions?
Or do you want to live in a world of love and peace and freedom for all beings?
The reality you knew up to now is gone. So its unconscious chains are broken – take this chance instead of waiting for a “savior” … or for someone else to put new chains on you.
  • Who do you want to be?
  • How do you want your life to look like?
  • How do you want the world to look like?
Re-create yourself.
Re-create your life.
Choose consciously.
Choose love instead of fear!
Start with your daily routines and habits. (including your diet).
Consciously choose where to focus your mind on, where to put your energy in.
Consciously choose love in each and every thing you do.
This is not a pause of life. This truely IS life!



Are you living, or just functioning?

DO you LIVE your life?
Do you live YOUR life?
Do you follow your heart? Doing, what YOU really want to do?
Do you show up, with your truth, each and every day, in everything you are doing?

Or … are you procrastinating? Day by day pushing along what you are here for? Maybe you are scared to do something wrong. Maybe you don’t know WHAT you are meant to do. Looking for your purpose in this life while missing your life?

Come back! Here! In this moment! There’s nothing more to do but following what your heart is telling you to do right NOW. Big or small things. In each and every moment.