
Freedom Is Freedom From Fear

Feeling fear every now and then is totally normal and okay. It’s about not getting stuck in this fear. Fear stops everything from flowing. Thereby, it will also weaken your health, your resilience, your immune system. Fear will paralyse your mind and leave you with limited (or no) choices on how to act. Right now, it even makes big parts of humans world wide willing to give up all their rights …

… simply because they have been scared to death, and so many are only waiting for some white knight to come and save us all – from whatever it is people are afraid of, be it the virus, or the loss of our basic rights and physical integrity.

But this is not what is going to happen. No white knight, no saviour.

“The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.”
Aung San Suu Kyi

Fear always is a message. It’s life’s way of letting you know that there is something for you to overcome.

Don’t suppress it. Don’t distract yourself by focussing on what’s going on in the outer world. Feel it. Take a close look. Embrace it – and ask, what it wants to tell you. Listen to the answer.

Connect – with yourself first. And with mother earth. Then, if it feels right, connect with others who are like-minded, conscious, independent. Create and co-create, on your own and in community, consciously the world you want to live in. Start with your inner world – love instead of fear. Peace instead of war. Based on trust in your inner voice, in the purpose of this all, in god/nature/all that is.
Don’t just blindly follow any white knight – no matter how many may do so. Only you can save yourself, and only all of us together can save our world and our freedom.

By becoming free from fear and acting from a place of love inside yourself, and by assuming responsibility for your life, your work, your happiness and your health, you will contribute to making this world a better, anxiety-free and more loving place.

So, what it is about, is to clear these blocks of fear. To find back into the flow.
As always – everything starts with you. Clear your blocks, and you will contribute not only to your own health and healing, but also help others in doing so.

Nourish yourself with what’s good for you – on all levels. Body, mind, and above all: your soul!

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