From Portugal through Spain, France and Luxembourg to Germany – the first big trip with my future café bus took me to Germany – already a few weeks ago; now I finally get to tell you about it – and about the progress of my bus café project.
Finding the calm amidst the storm
We are experiencing intense times. Full of turbulence. It’s stormy, outside and inside. Sometimes, it feels so overwhelming, there seems to be nothing else. Everything is moving faster and faster. For many, more and more seems to be falling apart in those recent years.
In short: life is ALIVE – and if you have not been used to it before, it may be very frightening, very overwhelming.
Back on the island
Finally back again. After three and a half years away, I am finally back in Tenerife.
About my experience here, and how things are going with my bus in the meantime
You need to get on the road to find the way
Our path emerges as we walk. It unfolds step by step. At every crossroads, with every decision you make.
Life cannot be lived in your head. Life is not the plan in your head.
Gypsy without a van. My adventurous life
It was supposed to be only a few minor, undramatic repairs.
Meanwhile it looks more like a reconstruction of the bus …
So, here are the latest news from me and my bus. The bus for my travelling raw food café.
Do what you wish!
There is this part inside, calling you. This part of you, that will be deeply disappointed if you don’t do certain things in your life. We often call it our heart. Listen to it!
Do these things, no matter if they don’t seem to be sensible or practical, or if they don’t fit in your agenda. Be in this moment. Here. Not following your habits but what you feel, sense, in this very moment. Check in with your body and do nothing but what you really want to do. Let go of any agenda you may have.
Feel the freedom of THIS MOMENT.
Follow your body’s healthy desire
You have read it here lots of times: my suggestion to follow your body. Only your body. Your inner truth. Nothing else. In each moment. No dogma, no rules, no expectations – neither those of others nor your own. And this applies to your food choices as well as to all other choices you need to make in your life.
Because this is the one way to happiness, to health. In the end, this is what freedom means. You, only you, deciding, what you allow in your body, what you will do, and what you won’t. And it is the only way to a truly nourishing and satisfying way of eating and living. Only what is in harmony with your real needs and you inner truth, will make you happy and content.
Today, i want to have a closer look at this. How does this work, following your own body? How can i do this, in everyday life? Doesn’t it take some discipline, strict rules, knowledge about nutrients etc, to thrive and be happy on a raw vegan diet? What do i do if my body is craving unhealthy food, fast food, – this is not healthy desire, is it?
Who you really are – What this is all about
All your life they have been telling you that you are small.
Not enough.
Or too much.
Weak and powerless.
Not worth it.
That you are limited, and that what you want is not possible.
That you will fail.
Life is hard.
You have to work hard to earn love
and worth.
Chasing luck.
That’s how life is, they said.
No way to change it.
But … NONE of all this is true!!!
One Single Step
Ten years ago, a lovely friend sent these to me: the collage and the small stone saying “MUT” = “COURAGE” you see on the photo above. Helping me to find the courage i needed to embark on this journey of leaving germany behind and travelling the world with my children. Not the first step in following my heart, out of this strange, externally directed life in mainstream society, but definitely one i was struggling with those days.