Ten years ago, a lovely friend sent these to me: the collage and the small stone saying “MUT” = “COURAGE” you see on the photo above. Helping me to find the courage i needed to embark on this journey of leaving germany behind and travelling the world with my children. Not the first step in following my heart, out of this strange, externally directed life in mainstream society, but definitely one i was struggling with those days.
Few months later, i finally took the step … and the path unfolded beneath my feet. It still does … in each and every moment! ❤
Some days ago, a friend called me, on his search for this courage. I also get lots of emails with questions like this. So many people now want to CHANGE their lives. Free themselves from the limiting structures they feel trapped in, and finally dare to do, what their hearts are longing for. And so many are afraid to leave behind what they know. Their pretended safety.
How reliable this “safety” is – well, all those who have not realized it before, are forced to see it right now. In this very special year. There is no outer safety. Everybody’s lives changed rapidly, in such a short time. Whatever seemed to be safe simply broke away, and more and more things are showing up now, many haven’t sensed before – or had their eyes closed, not wanting to see. Time to finally wake up, loved ones!
So, what can you do NOW, to finally start on your very own path?
What did NOT help me, back then: to compare me and my situation with others!
To believe, it would be easier,
– if i lived without children
– if i had a partner or someone else, coming with me,
– if i had lots of money, or a regular income.
All of these were nothing but excuses i created, feeding my fear.
I had two children, no partner, no money, no regular income. Back then, same as now, i was living hand-to-mouth.
What i had, though:
My inner truth. This deep certainty, that there is nothing more important than love and freedom, and that i have the right (and am worth it!) to live by that! I trusted in myself, and in my children.
What did help?
To make a decision and to take the first step!
True! It’s not just words – i experienced this again and again, back then and ever so often since.
The whole world is starting to move – if you only do! The path will unfold in front of you; you don’t have to know it before! Just start walking. And trust.
You, your heart, your higher self, KNOW what you want and what to do. In each moment. Let yourself be guided by it – and by nothing and noone else!
Your mind only knows what he has known before. Not willing to let go of this pretended safety – that is not safe at all, see above. Your mind will work based on fear, not on love – if you let him predominate.
Other helpful things were, of course, such small signs like the above from my friend. Also talking to others, who took leaps like this before.
That’s why i want to pass on “little signs” like this – by writing, sharing, and so on. May my words here help you to take your life in your own hands and start walking (or keep walking) your very own path. I’d be happy to help even more, to support you on your personal journey – just send me a message if you need more help!
Dare to follow your heart! This is what all this actually is about! This life is meant to be LIVED, not just survived. Lived according to YOUR very own plan. And only your heart knows what is right for you! Listen – and follow!
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