
One Year With My Rawfood Café Project

Our paths do not always unfold as we imagined when we set out. The experience of not being able to live one’s dream in the form or at the time we had envisioned can bring a lot of disappointment, sadness, anger, feelings of failure, and so on. This is okay and fine to be felt – but it absolutely does not mean that there is something wrong with us, that the dream has failed, or even that we should give up on our dreams.

I can only ever live my dream in this moment anyway. All of life takes place now, only in this moment. Not sometime in the future, not in the past.


Do what you wish!

There is this part inside, calling you. This part of you, that will be deeply disappointed if you don’t do certain things in your life. We often call it our heart. Listen to it!

Do these things, no matter if they don’t seem to be sensible or practical, or if they don’t fit in your agenda. Be in this moment. Here. Not following your habits but what you feel, sense, in this very moment. Check in with your body and do nothing but what you really want to do. Let go of any agenda you may have.

Feel the freedom of THIS MOMENT.

Zucchini Brote

Quick Dinner: Zucchini Baguette

Greens, lettuce, seaweed, veggies … i have them every day. Yet, mixed salads, every chopped up and mixed in a bowl – i don’t like that.

Fortunately, there are sooooo many varied ways to enjoy vegetables and greens. Like these baguettes, perfect for a quick dinner.

Enjoy them at the travelling raw food café – or just try them yourself at home.

Rohkost Sommerrezept: Grüne Spaghetti mit Heidelbeeren

Super simple raw summer recipe

So this is my absolute favourite this summer, i enjoy it almost every day!

A refreshing and easy-to-prepare dish for summer days. High in nutrients and water while easy to digest and not burdening your body.


Heavy Metal Detox Bliss Balls

Fruity and refreshing raw deliciousness. Yes, it’s GREEN! And such a yummy way to nourish your body!!!

I love spirulina, i love barley grass juice and blueberries, too. Lately, some people around me discovered the much hyped heavy metal detox smoothie for themselves, which contains these three ingredients – and they inspired me to this recipe.

It takes some preparation time, but it’s really worth the effort.

Rawfood Café Rohkost Café Happy Healthy Raw & Free

Impressions from the Raw Food Café

Some impressions from my raw food café … things i came up with along my way, travelling this beautiful planet.  

All raw, vegan and homemade with lots of love.

Cinnamon buns in Tenerife, orange tarte and marble cake in Portugal, chocolate mint icecream, served in a pitahaya half in Tenerife, date-coconut-treats in Luxor, Egypt.

Choco Crossies, fruit plate, mini cakes, mousse au chocolat, Raw-Reos, chocolat bars, tirawmisu, lemon tarte.

… and there is more than just sweet dishes.

…. like pizza, pasta, veggie fingerfood, cheeze.

All this (and whatever else i will come up with) is raw, vegan, and homemade with lots of love!

Want to meet me and my travelling raw food café?


Follow your body’s healthy desire

You have read it here lots of times: my suggestion to follow your body. Only your body. Your inner truth. Nothing else. In each moment. No dogma, no rules, no expectations – neither those of others nor your own. And this applies to your food choices as well as to all other choices you need to make in your life.

Because this is the one way to happiness, to health. In the end, this is what freedom means. You, only you, deciding, what you allow in your body, what you will do, and what you won’t. And it is the only way to a truly nourishing and satisfying way of eating and living. Only what is in harmony with your real needs and you inner truth, will make you happy and content.

Today, i want to have a closer look at this. How does this work, following your own body? How can i do this, in everyday life? Doesn’t it take some discipline, strict rules, knowledge about nutrients etc, to thrive and be happy on a raw vegan diet? What do i do if my body is craving unhealthy food, fast food, – this is not healthy desire, is it?


Vital Force

The flame inside.
The flame of life.
The flame of light.

Life force
letting it flow.
Flow with it.
Being. Doing.